Welcome to the Heist, boys

Glad you all could make it, welcome to The Heist, our online headquarters. It may not have the comfy chairs our last headquarters had but at least we won't have my mom interrupting us and asking us if we want cookies and milk, thats just not what a dignified Heister does!
Here you'll be debriefed and orders will be given. I want at the minimum a weekly update. If something happens, I want to be the first to know. If the school of Music sneezes, I want to know. If Dr. Walders trips, first put it on youtube, and then tell me. If any other A Cappella group so much as warms up you betcha I'm gonna know their starting pitch.
You have your specialties. You have your mission. Now go for it. April 12th will be here sooner than you think. Something big is coming boys, and JMU won't know what hit 'em. We're gonna be back with a vengeance!

For those of you who are not part of our illustrious group, welcome. You are about to be witness to one of the most epic A Cappella concerts JMU has ever seen. There is a reason JMU thinks The Madison Project is so dangerous, we just rock way too hard. If you want to be witness to this historic event. Be there and be prepared to have your face literally rocked off. It'll be worth it. Be at Wilson Hall on Saturday April 12th at 8:00.
Are you in?


The Heist

The Heist

Friday, March 28, 2008

video from Parole Board.

I know a guy in the joint- not as a prisoner, but on staff. He happened to know another guy on the Parole board. After they reviewed Chandler, the boss, they published this tape. My guy got his hands on it, and kindly gave it to me. See you tonight.


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