Gentlemen, the word is out on campus. My colleague and I laid down the tags at key campus locations so that everyone who is in will know the central meeting point and date.............Wilson Hall, April 12. These posters and fliers around campus should spark interest in those who are on the fence about undertaking a truly impossible feat. Little do they know, we need as many bodies as possible to fill those seats on April 12. The heist can't go down without our backup, our last line of defense, our final allibi: "We were just entertaining these fine students of JMU" we will say as we sneak out the back door, past the guards, through the tunnels and into the night after a face-rocking performance and a mission accomplished.
Of course those who know me, I love to count my chickens way before they are even layed. Lord give me the strength, the perseverance. I couldn't bare to have my family visit me behind bars........I can't let that happen.