Welcome to the Heist, boys

Glad you all could make it, welcome to The Heist, our online headquarters. It may not have the comfy chairs our last headquarters had but at least we won't have my mom interrupting us and asking us if we want cookies and milk, thats just not what a dignified Heister does!
Here you'll be debriefed and orders will be given. I want at the minimum a weekly update. If something happens, I want to be the first to know. If the school of Music sneezes, I want to know. If Dr. Walders trips, first put it on youtube, and then tell me. If any other A Cappella group so much as warms up you betcha I'm gonna know their starting pitch.
You have your specialties. You have your mission. Now go for it. April 12th will be here sooner than you think. Something big is coming boys, and JMU won't know what hit 'em. We're gonna be back with a vengeance!

For those of you who are not part of our illustrious group, welcome. You are about to be witness to one of the most epic A Cappella concerts JMU has ever seen. There is a reason JMU thinks The Madison Project is so dangerous, we just rock way too hard. If you want to be witness to this historic event. Be there and be prepared to have your face literally rocked off. It'll be worth it. Be at Wilson Hall on Saturday April 12th at 8:00.
Are you in?


The Heist

The Heist

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mission Accomplished!

Success! We did it boys and there's no way it could have happened without you. Its really humbling to be a part of such a fantastic group. 

Good news! JMU officials came to see the show and were so impressed, they've allowed us to perform on campus again! We're not banned anymore! 

Here's to many more years of face rocking A Cappella

Thanks boys, its been real

Hotblades signing off

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Its Time

The much-anticipated heist is on. In recent hours, slight complications have arisen with authorities, and it looks to be even more intense than we originally planned. Rumors of our heist have hit the streets and Wilson is now on Class 5 Security Alert.

Tonight at 8pm, you won't just be watching a show. You will be an active participant in an intricately-designed plan. Prepare yourselves.

You'll want to show up early. Heisting materials are being provided, but only to the first 600. Tickets will be on sale starting around 6:45.

To all our supporters... this heist will only be successful in mass numbers. Tell your friends. Don't tell the cops. You know what to do.

Are you in?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Almost there...

Alright boys, its almost time. I want everyone to be dreaming about the plan. Practice heisting your way into the bathroom if you have to. We don't have much more time and it has to be perfect if we want to get into Wilson Hall. I'm confident though. You guys are the best of the best and if there was anyone who could do it, I know its gonna be you guys. We've come a long way and all our hard work is about to pay off. And as you guys know, I'm not good with showing my feelings but I'd like to say something that comes straight from my heart...

Don't screw this up!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New Video

Couldn't have said it better myself. We're letting all of JMU know we mean business. This is an example to us all. 

Check it out. 

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Word is Definitely Out

Gentlemen, the word is out on campus. My colleague and I laid down the tags at key campus locations so that everyone who is in will know the central meeting point and date.............Wilson Hall, April 12. These posters and fliers around campus should spark interest in those who are on the fence about undertaking a truly impossible feat. Little do they know, we need as many bodies as possible to fill those seats on April 12. The heist can't go down without our backup, our last line of defense, our final allibi: "We were just entertaining these fine students of JMU" we will say as we sneak out the back door, past the guards, through the tunnels and into the night after a face-rocking performance and a mission accomplished.

Of course those who know me, I love to count my chickens way before they are even layed. Lord give me the strength, the perseverance. I couldn't bare to have my family visit me behind bars........I can't let that happen.

Lack of Commitment


It has come to my attention that there has not been an update for at least three days, and we have yet to hear from the illustrious Jeff Chandler. What in the world has been going on? The Bluestones successfully infiltrated Grafton Stovall today and were able to put on a killer production. How much more should we be encouraged to put the same energy into our own respective jobs? And yet there is no update! Gentlemen, the heist is fast approaching...use this time to get out there and make it known that Wilson does not stand a chance and faces will be rocked...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I think we're being monitered

It seems that others are looking at this blog. Just so they don't find out something they shouldn't, the next message will be in code.

LFDFKDFODI fdjfidosnfdk fdien fdjiogne madison fdjfidons walders faaaaangreat!
suck a fish. Project pterodactyl Late Night Drive Through where's waldo? Shiver Vocal Exploaschhhhh!! HUH!

TonHxvxIsS SaoqHcuOruW WqerInmsLL BureE AonMurAwZpumIurzNaosiG!


Hope you guys got that

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Getting In

Here is the outdoor schematics of how to get in. I have marked some of our problem areas. The thin red line shows a way that we CANNOT take. The Police are right there and we know that some of our group will get picked up...for no reason at all. Dr. Walders will also be in the way. I have infiltrated his hideout, and it is close to our goal and he has surveillance all along the quad, but luckily he is easy to avoid if we follow this plan. There are certain places with an X that are marked for their distraction level. We cannot be distracted by the food at D-Hall...we will be sluggish and the dash will reek havoc on our timing. The quad cannot get our attention. It is spring, and we all know what happens to the quad in the spring...we cannot let the beach like quality and the frisbees, footballs, and beautiful JMU women distract us. The line in blue is our way in. No one will suspect us starting in the library...cause I mean...really...who would be there on a Saturday evening, except for the short, stocky, glasses wearing friend of the infamous Jeff Chandler. We have a plan inside and out, and now it is time for each of us to hone our skills. Wilson Hall is ours for the taking.